Do You Cram, Memories Or Study Effectively - SelflessArtist


Friday, March 30

Do You Cram, Memories Or Study Effectively

Hi students, today I’m sharing this post with you. How are you? I guess well. If you ask how I’m doing, I’m doing great. According to a song writer. I’m bouncing in the Lord, everyday. How has studies been going? I hope fine. I guess you are leading your mates academically? Yes or No? If yes. Good, but if no, good too because there’s a problem which need to be solved and I guess it is the area of how you study. Well, I’m here to help you know how to study effectively and stand out among your peers.

Dear student, there’s a reading technique I’d like you to imbibe into your reading habits. A sort of student knows this technique but some apply it and others don’t apply it, they prefer using their own way of reading techniques.

The bottom cue is for one to know, remember and understand what they studied. The reading technique is the SQRR reading technique. It is an acronym for Survey. Question. Read, Recite and Review. Let me explain them one after the other:


Before you start studying the material, you should look at the title, foreword, acknowledgement, dedication, the edition, table of content, and then the chapters in the book you want to read. Looking at the topics, heading, subheadings, diagrams, tables, illustration, etc in an attempt to get a general overview of the material, that is in the book (chapter) talking about on the subject matter. If you attempt to do this, you’re surveying.


Now in the chapter you would want to study, formulate as many questions as possible. You can change a subheading into a question, for instance, take a subheading like ‘Studying Effectively’ ;

1. What is studying?

2. How can I study effectively?

3. What method should I use to study effectively?

4. What should I avoid to ensure I study effectively?

There are more and more question which you can formulate from these two words. Your book could also have sample questions, take advantage of them.

Hint: By forming questions like these there could be a possibility that you. Teacher or lecturer could ask such questions in exams. Look at those questions; can’t they pose to be a test or examination test? Don’t neglect past questions, they help and give you clue on how the teacher or lecturer question could be coined.


Here, you read to answer the questions you formulated. For instance, ‘questions 1’ says, ‘What is Studying? So when reading, you look for all the answer to the question and to know what studying is all about. When you see the answer, read it and try to understand it. Write the answer in your own word (not neglecting the keywords) in your note after writing it down, memorize it.

In an attempt to memorized the answer, try to form mental pictures of the answers in your mind. (imagination nor visualization), then associate it to the related answer to something you already remember. After doing that, move to the next question, then repeat the process.

It is noteworthy to mention that you would need to memorized anymore, and would stick to your brain.


Here, bring out the list of questions you’ve already formulated, keep note where the answers are away from you, then start answering the question; without looking at the note to see how much you’ve retained. The ones you could not answer asterisk them. This shows that it was not property memorized, then memories them.

It is important to note that associated information is the link between the information itself and the long term memory.


Before you finally round off your survey session, review all that you have done and perhaps grade your performance. Hey! Don’t be discouraged if your performance is low rather be encouraged that your low performance is not the end of the study road but the beginning of relearning, and relearning till you can beat your chest and say I know this topic for I’ve mastered it.


Now that you’re good in that topic, look for someone to teach, if there is no one around, teach inanimate objects like chairs, walls, trees or perhaps you can teach yourself.

Take note of this, when you teach once, you know twice, and when you teach five times, you know ten times. That’s why your teachers/lecturers are good in the ‘teaching of that topic and you’ll say, ‘Ah. That teacher/lecturer is a guru’. Also you can be a guru too.

Study Advice:

1. No one will read for you. It is good you start now.

2. Ensure you’re not overfed with food because you’ll sleep when you’re reading, hence be light and be alert for your study times.

3. Ensure you’re psychologically balanced. Don’t expect someone who just had a heart break to be able to concentrate when studying or one who just lost a loved one to concentrate.

4. While reading, ensure 100% concentration is given to your book. Read always.

5. After reading for a while give yourself a break and then come back. After reading a section, reward yourself with cold milk for refreshment, so as to encourage yourself that you’ve done well and can do more. Oh yes, you can do more, but don’t do the extent of wearing yourself out.

That’s all. Hope I’ve been able to convince you and not to confuse that if you can apply these techniques and with God’s help, you’ll see yourself mounting top your academics, then people will look at you and say ‘wow’, this student is a repository in whatever knowledge, the student have acquired.

That's all.

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